If you noticed a few weeks ago in the announcement post for Edge FS that there were two super-secret projects in development around here and yet only one got announced, you may have been wondering what and where the second was. Well, wonder no more, because Edge FMV has seen the light of day and is now available to the general public! Edge FMV started as an experiment--a hack, even--to see if it was possible to achieve video playback in native GML code--no extensions, no DLLs. While early tests showed ...

Introducing Edge FMV - Video Playback in Native GML!

Edge VN 1.3.0 was a defining moment for Edge Engine, and ever since that major release Edge VN has been focused on becoming as rock solid as possible to support new features with reliable functionality. First 1.3.6 provided sweeping improvements, and now 1.4.0 builds on what it started for the best version of Edge VN yet! The 1.4.0 release packs numerous under-the-hood fixes and code cleanups to ensure the smoothest experience possible, and also adds yet another new feature: the ability to hide/show ...

Edge VN 1.4.0 Update Released!

Another week, another Edge Engine update! Following the major rewrite of Edge DS 1.4.0, 1.5.0 smooths out a lot of rough edges of both the performance, cosmetic, and functional variety. New in this version is the ability to set minimum resolutions on all edgeds_set_* scripts, which also provided incentive to further unify script syntax. All edgeds_set_* scripts now follow the exact same syntax regardless of their unique functionality, making it easy to use and switch between different scaling modes. Due to ...

Edge Display Scaler 1.5.0 Update Released!

If you've been following the development of Edge Engine for any length of time, you're probably expecting the next module announcement to be that of Edge UI. Well, when inspiration comes knocking, it's usually a good idea to answer, and in this case development of Edge UI was temporarily put on hold for the development of a pair of super-secret experimental projects, one of which is experimental and super-secret no more. In fact, it's available right now! Introducing: Edge Engine Filesystem! Edge Engine ...

Hello Inspiration, Hello Edge FS!

It's hard to believe, but in a couple months Edge Display Scaler--the first Edge Engine module to be released--will be turning a year old. It's been quite the year, with multiple new Edge Engine modules developed, iterated, updated, and in some cases, even revolutionized. As it stands, all currently-released modules have reached a sort of parity in terms of both quality and the user experience...except Edge Display Scaler. As the first module, it naturally carried along with it the most baggage from being ...

Major Update! Edge Display Scaler 1.4.0 Rewrite Released!

As promised, internal development switching gears to Edge UI doesn't mean Edge VN is being left behind--far from it! With so many big features in place and iterated to maturity, it was time to step back, look things over, and work out all the kinks along the way. Bug fixes, refinements, and feature improvements are the names of the game on this one, so you'll definitely want to check out the new version and make sure to update all your Edge VN projects from older versions of the package. The highlights: ...

Edge VN Update 1.3.6 Published - Fixes, Fixes, Fixes!