Quick Links Development History Download & Installation Community Links Area 51 on MyAbandonware Multiplayer LFG About - Why Area 51? Area 51 is a game that holds a bigger place in my heart than it has any right to. It has all the trappings of a military sci-fi B-movie, and both looks and feels the part. I'll contend the story is better than first meets the eye, but more importantly, the game itself is a historical curiosity beyond its design. You see, the only reason I (and many others) played Area 51 ...

Area 51 (2005) Windows 10/11 Patches Guide

Merely a few months ago, no one would have predicted Windows 11's existence. Windows 10 was purported to be the "last" Windows, after all—an ongoing service that would, if anything, drop the number entirely once other versions fell out of support. But alas, it wasn't to be, and now Windows 11 has arguably ripped open several old Windows wounds that many had thought to be nearly healed. Not everything about Windows 11 is bad, mind you. Certain elements of the new interface are genuinely a pleasant refresh ...

The Best Desktop is made by... Samsung?

Microsoft Plus! was a series of bonus feature packages produced for various editions of Windows beginning with 95 and ending with XP. It hails from an era when collections of themes, utilities, and games could not easily be downloaded from the internet, and served essentially as an advertisement for the World Wide Web itself. "Like what you see? There's more on the internet!" was often Plus's call to action, and it was magical. While not all of Plus's contents have aged particularly well, some ...

Microsoft Plus! Patched Installers

In case you didn't feel the tremors, an earthquake pretty much rattled the handheld PC community today with the announcement of the Steam Deck. Since that announcement, there's been a lot of hyperbole thrown around, mostly due to Valve's very successful marketing of the lowest-tier Deck. At a mere $399, it's easy to understand the hype. But as is always the case with things that sound too good to be true, read the fine print. That's not to imply Steam Deck is bad, mind you. Far from it! Valve entering the ...

No, Steam Deck did not "Kill" GPD/Aya/One Netbook

The Aya Neo is a Windows-based PC in the form factor of a handheld games console. Though not the first of its kind, it's the first that really nailed the ergonomics one would expect of similar consoles, such as the Nintendo Switch. In 2020, Aya burst onto the internet as one of the most ambitious and passionate hardware developers I've ever seen. An initial prototype of the Neo literally held together by Legos led many to question if it would ever become a serious product, but lo and behold, in 2021 it was ...

Aya Neo Tweaks & Add-ons

It's been a long time since I was at the age where someone's choice of game platform affected my opinion of them as a person. In fact, I quite prefer the diversity of devices we have today to a comparatively grim reality where everyone uses a single "right" platform. In the same vein, I also spend substantially less time actually playing games than I used to. But I still enjoy them when I can, and keeping up with games and gaming culture is a hobby in itself. So, take this post not as an argument of one ...

I couldn't afford a console, so I bought a PC