While E3 may be best known to the general public for its high-budget stage presentations, the real show doesn't technically even begin until the press conferences end. And every year there are always a handful of gems to play on the show floor that just didn't get the attention they deserved on-stage. Thus, for the past few years it has been ThinkBoxly's tradition to hunt down and name the top 3 games from E3 that you might've missed. And let me tell you, this year they're big ones. Gravity Rush 2 Ok, so ...

Top 3 E3 2016 Show Floor Games not on Stage

It has now been three years since the E3 that rocked the gaming space into a rollercoaster ride that has continued throughout the years since. Microsoft unveiled the Xbox One to extreme criticism and Sony the PS4 to extremely positive critical reception. In 2013, the third parties didn't matter. It was all about Xbox vs PS4—and more specifically, how Sony's press conference virtually trounced Microsoft's in every possible way. Harsh, but true. Cue E3 2014, and not much changed. Microsoft decided to play ...

E3 2016 Roundup - The Calm After the Storm

Every year at E3 a ton of new game announcements and demos hit the stages of downtown LA, and every year a number of great titles go unmentioned during presentations because there's just not enough time in the day to list them all. This year's E3 made a valiant effort as one of the most packed yet, but even with three extra press conferences there are still some games you'll only see this week on the show floor--arguably where the real fun of E3 takes place. It's become something of an E3 tradition for ...

Show Floor @ E3 2015 - 3 Favorite Games not on Stage

It's been almost a decade since Square Enix last claimed its own stage at E3--interestingly enough, to unveil a certain Final Fantasy game that we still haven't seen release to this day, aside from its demo form, Episode Duscae. That game wasn't at E3 this year, which we knew going in--we'll have to wait for Gamescom for that. So with one of their longest in-development titles a guaranteed no-show, what else could Square Enix have in store for gamers to warrant reserving their own time slot? Quite a bit, ...

Square Enix @ E3 2015 Roundup - The Past is in the Past

While it may not have the mainstream appeal of Xbox or Playstation, following a rather weak gaming generation the PC has come back strong as a highly popular platform that fewer and fewer developers are taking for granted. With digital distribution platforms like Steam and Origin it's become easier than ever for developers to take advantage of the PC while maintaining something of a console mindset, and as PC graphics hardware advances the requirements ultimately become more and more accessible to more and ...

PC Gamer @ E3 2015 Roundup - Yes, PC Gaming is a Thing!

div[style="clear: both;"] { clear: none !important; } Microsoft hasn't had the strongest presence at E3 the past couple of years. First there was the horrendous Xbox One debacle in 2013 resulting in Sony trampling Microsoft underfoot, and last year they seemed to be more on the defensive, simply trying not to do anything offensive more than trying to do anything really good. This year, on the other hand, the proud, defeated, and timid Microsofts were all nowhere to be found, replaced by a new personality ...

Xbox @ E3 2015 Roundup - Coming Back Stronger

I have a saying: there's always something broken about a Ubisoft game. Sometimes I enjoy them enough to live with it anyhow, but in the past several years I've said it, so far I have yet to really be proven wrong. Well, that may just change. Like EA, Ubisoft tried to push 'listening to players' as the big selling point for their latest and greatest, and while at first coming from Ubisoft it just felt like marketing speak, after seeing what they have to offer for the near future, I'm actually inclined to ...

Ubisoft @ E3 2015 - Trying Harder

For the past couple of years Sony has fairly easily 'won' E3, with little competition from all the other press conferences. E3 2015 hasn't pulled any punches so far, however, and with few first-party titles in the near future for Sony, the Playstation 4 was looking like it might struggle more than usual to keep up the pace following two such stellar years. While in part that was true, in the end Sony managed to secure enough major surprises to keep the ship right. And when I say 'major', I mean that on a ...

Playstation @ E3 2015 Roundup - Diamonds in the Rough

Electronic Arts is often the subject of harsh gamer criticism--it's the 'love to hate' company of the videogames industry, even though they make plenty of quality titles. But whether their reputation is founded or not, this year at E3, EA did everything in its power to shake that reputation and prove that it is a company that listens to and works with its fans. Mass Effect: Andromeda It has now been three years since we last had a Mass Effect game, and apparently we still have a while yet to wait. While EA ...

EA @ E3 2015 Roundup - One for the Gamers

It's officially here: E3 2015 started off last night with a bang as Bethesda Softworks took to the stage with their very first E3 press conference, and while the primary purpose of the show was obvious (Fallout 4: confirmed for a release date of 11/10/15), Bethesda did more for gamers at E3 than just demo a bunch of soon-to-be products. Following a somewhat stale E3 2014, Bethesda showed us how current-gen games are finally coming into their own, and more than that, how gaming in general has turned a new ...

Bethesda @ E3 2015 Roundup - Gaming, All Grown Up

Anyone feel like E3 2015 just couldn't get started early enough this year? From companies announcing their biggest gaming titles just weeks before the event to 'pre-E3' shows stacking up half a week prior to kickoff, this June feels like more E3 than not. But that's certainly not a bad thing, particularly when you've got an entirely new platform chomping at the bit to get some attention—namely, virtual reality. With 2016 set to be the pivotal year for the tech, everyone's gearing up for the first ...

Oculus Pre-E3 2015 Event Details New Controller, Partnerships

When most people think of E3, they think of high-budget stage presentations put on by only a select few high-profile videogame and videogame hardware developers. While these are certainly very exciting and exhilarating events, there’s a lot more to E3 than just what happens on stage. In fact, some years the best games at the show also have the least amount of presence. So here’s a few of the best things at E3 2014 you didn’t see in a press conference. Virtual Reality Though not a game in itself, ...

Show Floor @ E3 2014 – Favorite 3 Games Not on Stage

I’ve said before that in recent generations each new Ubisoft game is broken somehow. The same could be said for their E3 press conferences. Granted, Ubisoft has their fans. I am admittedly not one of them. So take my word about Ubisoft for what it is–an outsider looking in once a year, hoping that Ubisoft will succeed to draw me in, pretty much universally being disappointed every time. Last year left me with an overall better impression than usual; this year was a slight step down, but not a complete ...

Ubisoft @ E3 2014 – Stage Show Impressions

Earlier today Microsoft took the stage to open E3 2014 with a bang. As promised, their focus was “games, games, games.” Some were not exclusively Xbox properties, but the dominant theme of the show was definitely (re)building the Xbox brand. Just take a look at the list of titles Microsoft put on display, and you’ll see what I mean: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Forza Horizon 2 Evolve Assassin’s Creed: Unity Dragon Age: Inquisition Sunset Overdrive Super Ultra Dead Rising 3 Arcade Remix Hyper ...

Microsoft @ E3 2014 – Stage Show Impressions

Few could have foreseen the significance E3 2013 would have for the gaming industry. Nintendo already released their new hardware last year, Sony insisted that they would be the last to introduce an 8th generation console, and Microsoft declined to comment about their plans for the future entirely. Crowd favorites like Tomb Raider and Remember Me have now released commercially and will not be making a showing at the conference. What could possibly end up being so special about this E3? That’s when Sony ...

Who ‘Won’ E3 2013? (Is that even a question?)