This week’s post is going to be a bit different than usual. A friend of mine recently pointed me to a certain video by way of Google+. In it, BlimeyCow’s Jordan Taylor rants about what’s wrong with videogames. His arguments aren’t particularly new or original, but it’s worth watching regardless. Take a look: Today I would like to respond to this video and make a few comments to all the gamers out there. Because the fact of the matter is… I Agree… Yes, I agree that games have grown too simple, ...

What’s Wrong With Video Games (A Ranting Response)

There’s never a guarantee that an entry in the long-running Tales series by Namco Bandai is going to make it to English-speaking areas of the world, so when one does show up on western shores people generally pay attention. While in the states the series has always played second fiddle to the quintessential JRPG franchise, Final Fantasy, Tales’ more traditional approach to the genre coupled with a unique fast-paced combat system continues to win over old and new fans alike, especially as gamers ...

Tales of Xillia – “It Just Keeps Gettin’ Better!” (Review)

While the WiiU continues to struggle to gain a user base, Nintendo’s other current generation console, the portable Nintendo 3DS, is at last gaining traction and a solid following in both eastern and western areas of the world. Even though the device has been around for a couple of years now, there are still plenty of potential customers out there who are finally finding the growing 3DS library of games enticing enough to consider a purchase. For that reason I figure is still beneficial to release a ...

Nintendo 3DS XL Review – This is (Finally) the Handheld to Have

Nintendo 2DS, a PS Vita TV, a handheld Android gaming console, a plastic iPhone—who would have thought gadgets like these would actually exist? While 2013 has seen some really great new tech so far, lately the phrase that keeps coming to mind is just: “Well, that’s weird.” Has Technology Stagnated? The tail end of the 20th century was rife with progress. Computers went from occupying entire rooms to fitting in a pocket, and from lighting up LEDs to displaying fully 3D, interactive environments. The ...

What’s Going on With Technology?

I wish the video after the jump was just an abysmally late April Fools’ joke. Sadly, it’s not. Nintendo will be releasing a Nintendo 2DS on October 12th, 2013 for $129.99. The catch for the discount (as compared to previous models of the 3DS)? You don’t get 3D (obviously), and you have to live with an ugly ‘2D’ design as opposed to the original ‘3D’ clamshell style. These kinds of oddball redesigns are usually saved for a console’s final days–something different to make old news new again ...

3D is Dead, Viva la Nintendo 2DS!

Some time ago I ran a review of the original Chaos Rings, which is now available on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and PlayStation Vita. In short, I found the game to be a great example of what JRPG gaming could be on mobile devices, if still slightly lacking in some areas. If all you want to know is whether or not Chaos Rings 2 is an improvement, you can stop reading now and go buy the game: it basically corrects every problem of the original and adds a dose of its own awesomeness to boot. But if you’re ...

Chaos Rings II - Square Enix has Still Got it (Review)